Update 17B: Kehilangan Pesawat MAS MH370 / MH370 Flight Incidence


Berikut merupakan laporan media yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak DCA Malaysia melalui laman sesawang rasminya (http://mh370.dca.gov.my). Info ini KM dapati tidak terdapat di laman rasmi Malaysia Airlines (http://www.malaysiaairlines.com):


March 14, 2014 at 7:47 pm GMT+8
1. Regarding overnight reports in the US media, quoting unnamed US officials:
The investigation team is following all leads that may help locate the missing aircraft. We continue to work closely with the US team, whose officials have been on the ground in Kuala Lumpur to help with the investigation since Sunday.

As is standard procedure, the investigation team will not publicly release information until it has been properly verified and corroborated.
Any new evidence should be passed to the investigation team in Malaysia in order to assist the investigation.

2. On 13 March, authorities sighted two oil slicks in the South China Sea, 60 nautical miles south of the last point of contact with MH370.
The first slick was investigated and analysed and found to contain tiny traces of jet fuel. No debris was found in the vicinity. We do not believe the slick is linked to MH370.
Samples from a second, larger slick, some 3km in length, were investigated and analysed and did not contain jet fuel.

3. The Indian Air Force is participating in the multinational search operation for MH370 and is conducting search operations off the west coast of peninsular Malaysia.

4. We would like to confirm that Vietnam is still participating in the multinational search operation for MH370.

5. We would like to reiterate the statement made by Dato’ Hishammuddin Hussein,
Minister of Defence and acting Minister of Transport, made at the press conference on 13 March. The Minister said:
“A Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency surveillance plane was dispatched this morning to investigate potential debris shown on Chinese satellite images. We deployed our assets but found nothing. We have contacted the Chinese embassy who notified us this afternoon that the images were released by mistake, and did not show any debris from MH370.”
At the press conference, the Minister also read out a message he had received from the Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia, which stated:
‘The publication of the satellite image is an accident – a personal behaviour to put it on the website of SASTIND. The government neither authorized nor endorsed the behaviour which is now under investigation. The image is not been confirmed as connected with the plane. H. E. wishes to reiterate that our side will at the first time inform your side of whatever important developments.’

6. Regarding the presence of a ‘bomoh’ or shaman at KLIA, we would like to categorically state that neither the Government, nor any of its agencies, had any role or involvement in the shaman’s presence at the airport.

7. This evening there will be a press conference at the Sama-Sama Hotel at KLIA. Time TBC.

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